7.12OnePlus 7Pro📱

7.12OnePlus 7Pro📱

2019-07-12    01'04''

主播: Vivian💗

182 0

The reason why I started to do this video was I've made a relatively big change in the - I guess – ecosystem that I'm in. So you can tell by the title, I have switched off of Apple’s iPhones. I've been someone who's used Apple's iPhones for a really long time as my primary phone and this is the first time I can confidently say that I am pretty much Apple-free in my life. So this phone I switched over to is the OnePlus 7 Pro. The reason why I switched to this one particularly was the screen. The 90 hertz screen is just super smooth. The animations look so silky and so nice. Now it's not all rainbows and unicorns here. There’s a lot of stuff that I do miss from iOS if I'm being honest. I miss iMessage. I miss the integration that iPhones have with each other, like with other family members. But over the past month I've just gotten used to it. You’ve got to force yourself to not have and out, right. You just force yourself to use Android, get used to it and eventually you just learn to love it. 我做这个视频的原因是我做了一个相对较大的转变——我想——在我用的生态系统方面。所以你可以从标题看出,我已经关掉了苹果手机。我一直把苹果手机作为我的主要手机用了很长时间,这是我第一次可以自信地说,我的生活中几乎没有苹果了。 所以我换的这款手机是一加 7 Pro。我换到这款手机尤其是因为这块屏幕。90赫兹的屏幕非常流畅。动画看起来很顺滑、很漂亮。 这款手机也不像童话里那样完美。老实说,我很怀念iOS系统里的很多东西。我想念iMessage 系统。我怀念苹果手机和苹果手机之间的整合,比如和其他家里人用的苹果手机之间的整合。但在过去的一个月里,我已经适应了。你必须强迫自己不要使用苹果手机,要离开,对吧。你要强迫自己使用Android系统,适应它,最终你就会爱上它。