7.22Social media addiction📱

7.22Social media addiction📱

2019-07-22    00'50''

主播: Vivian💗

198 0

Do not check social media or email until noon. This started off as a fun, little challenge that I shared on Instagram. What I wasn’t expecting was the incredible impact that this had on me. Having a parameter like this allowed me to focus on me and start off my day in a calm and centered way. Before doing this, what would happen to me was that I would maybe check comments or emails and then 5 minutes would tum to three hours as I got sucked into the cycle of responding to people and you know problem solving。I feel like when I start off the day, I set the tone and, you know, a pattem that is so hard to break out of. I love this because I can say that the moming is mine. I can do what Iwant with that time. And just remeber this: Endless pleasure becomes its own form of punishment. I think that' s a fantastic reminder when I get a little bit off-track with things. 中午之前不要查看社交媒体或电子邮件。这是我instagram上面分享的一个有趣的小挑战。我没想到的是,这个挑战对我产生了难以置信的影响。有了这样一个规范,我可以专注于自己,以平静和情绪稳定的方式开始新的一天。 在这之前,我可能会查看评论或电子邮件,然后5分钟变成3个小时,因为我陷入了回复别人和解决问题的循环中。我觉得当我以这种方式开始一天的工作时,我定下了基调,你知道,一种很难打破的模式。 我喜欢这个挑战,因为我可以说整个早晨是我的。我可以用这段时间做我想做的事。记住这一点:无穷无尽的快乐本身就是一种惩罚。我觉得这是一个很好的提醒当我有点偏离轨道的时候。
上一期: 7.21Mulan🌺
下一期: 7.24Meet Granny Sunshine☀️