- Actually, I just remembered I have a pal at the DMV. Flash is the fastest guy in there. You need something done. He’s on it.
- I hope so. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts. Wait, they're all sloths? You said this was going to be quick!
- What? Are you saying because he's a sloth he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. Flash, Flash hundred-yard-dash. Buddy it's nice to see you.
- Nice to see you too.
- Hey, flash I'd love you to meet my friend.
- Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry.
- Sure. What's the plate – number?
- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.
- Hey, Flash, wanna hear a joke?
- Sure.
- What do you call a three-humped camel?
- I don't know. What do you call a three-humped camel?
- Pregnant.
- Ha ha! Yes, very funny, very funny. Can we please just focus on the task?
- Priscilla.
- Yes? Flash?
- What do you call …
- A three humped camel! Pregnant! Okay! Great! We got it! Please just…
- Here you go.
- 太好了,我们得争分夺秒,分秒必争。等等,他们都是树獭?你说过会很快的!
- 什么,难道你觉得他们是树獭所以就不能快了吗?在动物城,人人都有无限可能。
- 闪电,闪电,快如风的闪电!见到你真高兴,伙计。
- 我也很高兴见到你。
- 嘿,闪电,给你介绍个我的朋友。
- 我希望你能帮我查个车牌,我们的时间特别紧迫。
- 好,车牌号码是多少?
- 29THD03
- 嘿,闪电,想听个笑话吗?
- 好啊。
- 骆驼,为什么有三个鼓包?
- 我不知道。为什么?
- 她怀孕了。
- 哈哈!是的,太搞笑了,太搞笑了。我们能不能继续查车牌?
- 普利西亚。
- 什么?闪电?
- 你怎么称呼…
- 三个驼峰!因为怀孕了!好的,太棒了!我们拿到了!请…
- 我们走吧。