I Love U❤️

I Love U❤️

2019-08-07    01'18''

主播: Vivian💗

378 2

I love you for everything, the time that you share with me. For all the joy that you have brought to my heart. For making my dreams of love come true, and my fantasies. Because of your soft words at just the right time. That’s why I love you… And for encouraging me when I feel like I can’t go on any longer. For being my voice when I have a hard time speaking. For being my legs when I am tired. For giving me faith, for believing in me when nobody else does. That’s why I love you… Because when you take my hand, you give me wings and I can fly. Because you have changed my life and you have given my heart a path to follow. Because with you by my side, I feel bigger. That’s why I love you… And for the infinite reasons that I discover every day.