8.21Hot Dry Noodles🍜

8.21Hot Dry Noodles🍜

2019-08-12    00'47''

主播: Vivian💗

224 2

Wuhan is China’s central street noodle heaven. Smack in between Sichuan and Shanghai, you’ll find a mixture of Hunan, Sichuan, and Shanghai food. I came here to broaden my noodle horizons. And I ended up taking a 9-hour train from Chengdu, just to try the world-famous “Hot Dry Noodles”. Getting deep into the street food scene is always one of the joys of traveling. And here in Wuhan, I found a lot of exciting snacks. Let’s try that out. Oh, it’s got a spicy kick to it. And there is that thick sesame paste. It’s like a mixture between sesame and spicy, quite nutty. The noodles are actually very nicely done. Slightly chewy. I do gotta say though, I wish that the sesame paste was a little thicker and a bit of a stronger nutty flavor. Otherwise these are very delicious. 武汉是中国中部街头面食的天堂。恰好坐落在四川和上海之间,你会发现湖南,四川和上海美食的汇总。 我来这是为了开拓我的面食眼界。我最终从成都搭乘了9个小时的火车,只为品尝一下世界闻名的“热干面”。深入街头美食场景永远是旅行的乐趣之一。而在武汉这里,我发现了很多令人兴奋的小吃。 我们试吃一下。喔,它很有辣劲。里面还浓浓的芝麻酱。就像是芝麻味和辣味的混合,还有浓浓的坚果味道。 事实上,面条制作得非常好。口感有一点筋道。可是我不得不说,我希望花生酱能更浓一点,坚果的味道能够更重一点。除此之外,这些都非常好吃。