

2019-08-14    00'49''

主播: Vivian💗

176 1

Chongqing, China. It’s a fun name to say and a cool place to visit. Chongqing is one of four directly controlled municipalities of China. This means it’s a city with the power of a province. It lies at the confluence of the Jia Ling and Yangtze River and it’s a popular launching point for Yangtze River Cruises. The meeting of these waters is perhaps a symbol of what appears to be the city’s biggest theme – a mixture of new and old. Construction is being done in almost every corner of the city, yet old world charm is not hard to find. Just sit down for a bowl of wontons and slurp it all in. Or if you prefer a little pain and suffering, try Chongqing’s famous hotpot. This “volcano lake” meal involves cooking meats and vegetables in a bubbling broth. We chose to get half spicy and half non-spicy. If these two broths can live side by side, certainly Chongqing will survive the modernization that’s rapidly changing it. 中国重庆。这是一个有趣的名字,也是一个很好玩的地方。重庆是中国四大直辖市之一。这意味着它是一个拥有省一样权力的城市。 重庆位于嘉陵江和长江的交汇处,是非常受欢迎的长江观光游轮的始发点。这些水域的交汇或许是这座城市最大的主题象征——新旧两个时代的融合。 这座城市几乎每个角落都在搞建设,然而并不难找到旧世界的魅力。坐下来吃一碗馄饨,咕嘟咕嘟地全吃光。或者如果你喜欢来点痛苦和折磨,尝尝重庆有名的火锅。 重庆的“火山湖”火锅是在沸腾的肉汤里煮肉类和蔬菜。我们一般选择鸳鸯锅,一边辣一边不辣。如果重庆能够融合这两种不同的汤料,也一定能在日新月异的现代化进程中生存下来。