8.25A test for the ABC🍌

8.25A test for the ABC🍌

2019-08-25    00'55''

主播: Vivian💗

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So today, We’re actually not going to be reacting to a video. We’re going to be testing your Chinese speaking ability. First of all, do you know how to speak Chinese? In your regular life, how often do you speak Chinese? 今天,我们不会看视频。我们要来测试一下你说中文的能力。首先,你会说中文吗?你经常讲中文吗? 0%. We don’t speak Chinese at home. My parents came here when they were in high school. Ever since I went to university, I’ve barely spoken it. But growing up… At home they would only allow us to speak Chinese. At the end of the day, it turned out to be more like “Chinglish”. 零。我们在家不讲中文的。自从我上了大学,我就很少讲中文啦。但是长大后… 在家里他们要求我们只说中文。到最后,就变成了“中式英语”。 Before we begin the main test, we’re going to prep you a little bit. Do you know how to introduce yourself with your Chinese name? And with that very comprehensive lesson out of the way, it’s time to jump into the big test. And who better to test your mother tongue (language) than your PARENTS! 在我们开始测试之前,我们先来做个热身。你知道如何用自己的中文名字介绍自己吗?有了这么完美的开场,我们直接步入正题吧。作为测试你们的人,最合适的就是你们的父母! We have prepared a cheat sheet to help you. It’s got a bunch of common Chinese phrases for you to say. We’ll highlight phrases for you and you say them. Whoever lasts the longest without using any English will win a special prize. 我们为你们准备了“小抄”。上面有很多日常中文用语。我们标注了你要说的话。谁能坚持不说英文的时间最久,谁就会赢得我们的特殊奖励。