Scholar in a cave📖学习的榜样

Scholar in a cave📖学习的榜样

2019-10-18    00'54''

主播: Vivian💗

389 2

The most reading I ever did was in that village. The rural self-study laid the foundations of my knowledge. Wherever I went, I always took a book with me. 我读书最多的时候就是到农村的时候。我们恰恰十年寒窗啊,读书、知识的基础是农村打下来的。出门的时候呢,怀里揣一本书。 What had I brought with me? Several reference works … the Dictionary of Idioms, the Xinmin Dictionary, A Concise Dictionary of Philosophy. I’d memorize an entry and then its meaning before going out to hoe the field. And memorize another during a break. 我那个时候揣,揣什么呢?揣字典……《成语词典》、《新民词典》、《简明哲学词典》。背一个词,背一个词的意思,就去锄地。然后锄一圈地再找休息的地方再背一个词。 As a shepherd, I’d pen the sheep in on the hilltop, and then I’d sit there, reading and thinking. I’d go everywhere, looking for books. One should be deeply ashamed of any gap in one’s knowledge. 当时这个放羊啊,就把羊圈到那么一个,那么一个山冒儿上,然后我就坐那看书啦,看书冥想。那个时候就到处找书啊,到处看书啊,一物不知,深以为耻啊。 That was the basis of the demands I made on myself. Reading is my biggest hobby. It’s a way of life for me. Reading all kinds of books, I guess, will be my hobby all my life. 当时给我提出了一个这样的自我要求。我最大的爱好就是读书。读书已经成为了自己的一种生活方式。读各类书,我想,这是一个终身的爱好。