The Getty fire threatened West LA🔥

The Getty fire threatened West LA🔥

2019-10-31    00'49''

主播: Vivian💗

363 3

On this block alone, several homes incinerated in minutes. A miracle saved firefighters (and) everyone got out alive. The Getty Fire threatened much of West LA, forcing 20,000 people from their homes. With multi-million-dollar homes nestled in these hills, the inferno spread as many were sleepy. With 10,000 homes threatened, among those forced to evacuate, NBA superstar LeBron James, actress Kate Hudson and former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  With smoke choking the region, you have several hundred teenage kids that have no way of getting out. Students at Mt. Saint Mary’s were rattled out of bed. “I woke up at like 2 o’clock. My RA was banging on the door. My suitemate (and I), we just grabbed everything and I walked outside and then the whole sky was red. “ 仅在这个街区,一连片的房屋在几分钟内就化为灰烬。奇迹拯救了消防队员,每个人都活着出来了。盖蒂大火威胁到了洛杉矶西部的大部分地区,迫使2万人离开他们的家园。 这些山中坐落着价值数百万美元的房屋,火海蔓延开来时,许多人还在昏昏欲睡。1万户家庭受到大火的威胁,被迫疏散转移,这其中有美国NBA巨星勒布朗·詹姆斯、女演员凯特·哈德森和前州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格。 随着烟雾弥漫整个地区,数百名十几岁的孩子们没法逃脱。圣玛丽山的学生在慌乱中被叫醒。“我2点左右就醒了。我的宿管阿姨在砰砰地敲门。我的室友和我,我们拿上所有的东西,走到外面,当时整个天空都是红色的。”