A simple way to save money💰存钱小妙招

A simple way to save money💰存钱小妙招

2019-11-11    00'39''

主播: Vivian💗

361 1

There is a simple and efficient way to save money. It’s pretty easy. You have to zero out the unspent money every evening. For instance, you decided to zero out to one zero. In the evening, you have $532 in cash, $2425 dollars available on your bank card. What you should do? Subtract the last digit from each number to get a zero at the end. It's easier to zero out cash into a piggy bank and you may use a savings account or any other bank account to transfer the money from your card. You know how much money you have every morning and it's always a round number. You start to control your spendings and stop buying crap.