Alan: Mom, are there any more chores to do around the house?
Mom: There are always chores to do. Why?
Alan: I want to make more money. I’m saving up for something.
Mom: What is it?
Alan: It's a secret.
Mom: OK. There are a couple of loads of laundry that need to be done.
Alan: OK! I can do that.
Mom: They need to be washed, folded and put away.
Alan: Got it!
Mom: Let me know if you want more to do after that.
Alan: OK. I need a lot more to do.
Mom: I’m curious. What are you saving up for?
Alan: Do you promise not to say anything?
Mom: I promise.
Alan: I want to buy Dad a new watch for his birthday.
Mom: That's very sweet of you. He would love it!
Alan: I only have a couple of weeks to save until his birthday.
Mom: You are a good kid, Alan.