To Live Life With A Little Adventure🧗🏻‍♀️

To Live Life With A Little Adventure🧗🏻‍♀️

2020-01-31    00'59''

主播: Vivian💗

346 1

Humans have a tendency to be very repetitious. We wake up in the morning. Go to school or work. Come home. Eat. Sleep. It's the same thing everyday. Yet we are comfortable with the same boring thing all the time. It's our comfort zone. We live in a spot where we know we are safe and sound. But is that really living? Where is the risk? Where is the adventure? If we aren't living our lives to the fullest then why are we here at all? This is why it's important to live a life with a little adventure. We only live once. Why spend our lives holed up in a little town with work that is actually pretty insignificant and wait for the adventures to come to us. That is not how life works. Life wants you to go out and make stories. And unless you take that little step - that little risk - you will never experience adventure and, in return, life. 人们往往倾向于重复。我们清晨起床,上学或工作,然后回家,吃饭睡觉。每天都是一样的,但是我们却在这些无聊的琐事中觉得很舒服,这就是我们的舒适区、我们的温床。 我们身处在一个我们觉得很安全的地方,但这是真正的生活吗?冒险在哪里?奇遇在哪里?如果人生不能尽兴,那还活着干什么?所以生活是要来一点冒险的,这很重要。 我们的生命只有一次,为什么要窝在一个小镇虚度余生?为什么要每日重复毫无意义的工作,然后坐等生活能给我们一些刺激?人不是这么活着的!生活要我们敢于走出去,去创造属于自己的故事。如果你无法迈出那一步,无法承担那一点风险,那么你将永远无法体会人生的乐趣和精彩,也就等于从来没有真正活过一回。