1. Some people claim they know because they've actually experienced it. They share incredible stories like reconnecting with deceased loved ones or learning the meaning of life. The accounts are vivid and dramatic but are they imaginary or are they a true glimpse into life after death?
2. I literally went from inside my body, and when I shut my eyes, I was then, just the next second, I was up on the ceiling looking down at the entire room. I just began calmly talking to it and saying how much I wanted to go back into my life because my baby daughter was only five months old at the time and my son was eight years old. I shut my eyes up on the ceiling and reopened them and I was looking right into the orthopedic surgeon’s face.
3. It really doesn't matter if we prove these phenomena exist or not. What is central is what the patient in front of us is experiencing. I realized that talking about my near-death experience is what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s the piece that I'm supposed to give. It’s the gift.
4. They don't need to fear it. Doing your best to be a good person I think through your life here is all that you're really being asked to do.