How Hand Sanitizers work🧼

How Hand Sanitizers work🧼

2020-03-20    00'49''

主播: Vivian💗

314 2

1. Most popular hand sanitizers are alcohol-based. The active ingredient is around 70% alcohol, depending on the formulation. The alcohol can either be ethanol, which is the same stuff in your booze; isopropanol, the stuff in rubbing alcohol; or n-propanol, rubbing alcohol’s chemical sibling. 2. They all pretty much work the same way though, which is by dissolving the outer coats of bacteria and viruses and basically exploding them. When those all-important outer coats fall apart, these disease-causing culprits literally spill their guts all over the place, leaving them in no position to make anyone sick. 3. And the effectiveness of hand sanitizer varies on how oily or dirty your hands are, how much alcohol is in there, and which germs you’re actually talking about. You should keep in mind, hand sanitizers work best when in combination with a hand-washing regimen, because they don’t physically remove dirt and gunk from your hands. So don’t forget that soap and water. 大多数洗手液以酒精为基础成分。根据配方来说,活性成分是浓度为70%左右的酒精。酒精可以是乙醇——你所喝的酒里的成分;可以是异丙醇——医用酒精成分;也可以是正丙醇,医用酒精的化学同胞。 它们的工作方式差不多相同,都是溶解掉细菌或病毒的外膜,基本上是使其爆破。当所有至关重要的外膜破碎后,这些致病的罪魁祸首的“五脏六腑”就会洒出来,它们就无法让人生病了。 洗手液的效果会因“手的油腻脏污程度”,“酒精的量”,还有“涉及到的细菌类别”这些因素而变化。你要记住,当结合洗手这一生活习惯,洗手液能发挥最大作用,因为他们无法根本上消除你手上的污物和令人恶心的黏腻物质。所以,别忘了使用肥皂和水。