Divorce is not that terrible💔

Divorce is not that terrible💔

2020-03-25    00'49''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. 我们很好,你知道,一切都还挺顺利,在谈判中,进行了一番特殊的谈话。不过,唉,没有仇恨,没有暴力,至少现在如此。我非常幸运,能够保持内心的平静。 We are fine. You know, things are going well, just in negotiation, got a unique conversation, but yeah, no hatred no violence as of right now. And I’m just blessed to be able to be peaceful. 2. 你知道,这对我们都是一种痛苦,过去十年的婚姻也许是我此生最大的折磨。我最终不禁哭泣,当回忆开始涌上脑海,我的泪水夺眶而出。但是,这绝对是独一无二的经历,我很开心,这一切终于结束了。 You know for us it was a pain in the neck and this was about 10 years of probably the most discomfort I ever had. And I ended up crying, like tears breaking out my eyes as memories started going up in my mind. But, it was definitely unique, and I’m glad I was able to get it done. 3. 我很冷静,你知道,我没有任何怨恨。我可以走上大街,人们并不知道我离婚了,我不说你不知道。我认为这段婚姻积极的一面是,你也许会看上去很受伤,或者真的受伤了,但是你永远不会知道你接下来会邂逅谁,你会再次爱上谁。 I’m cool. You know I don’t have any resentment. I could walk down the street. It wasn’t public knowledge that I was divorced, you wouldn’t know it. You know and I think that the positive part about this marriage is that you know, you may seem hurt, be hurt, and you never know who you may be bumping into, who you’re going to love again.