

2020-03-29    00'40''

主播: Vivian💗

374 4

1. 分娩开始于宫缩,肌肉直接挤压子宫的运动。这意味着孩子差不多要出来了,也代表着新生命诞生的开始。 Delivery begins with the contraction, the movements when the muscles push directly over the womb. This means the baby is almost there. It signifies the beginning of birth for a new life. 2. 大多数时候我们用感觉的变化来衡量爱。情感的距离逐渐淡去,变成了炙热的爱的亲密。双手接触,双唇接吻,肾上腺素的水平很高。 Mostly we measure the love by the change in the feelings, as the distance of emotion melts away to the hot intimacy of love, and hands touch and lips kiss and adrenaline levels are high. 3. 从此,感情依赖于在特定时间里他们收到的彼此理解。太少了,而没有达到期待,爱情就会延缓,就会暂停。超过了忍耐,另一组负能量就会迸发,告诉内心应该放手,随后指责和憎恨就会随之而生。 From here it relies on the amount of understanding they receive in a given period. Too little and it’s not passed the expectation, so love slows and love pauses. Above-tolerance, another set of negativity fires up and tells the heart to quit and blame and hate spring forth.
上一期: Spring🌼
下一期: Conversation-Suspension🏫