The eulogy to yourself ✝️

The eulogy to yourself ✝️

2020-04-03    01'12''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. Leslie would not have wanted this to be a sad day. Abhas was a kind warm loving soul who gave people permission to love themselves more completely. His words, his art and his kindness help people illuminate the darker parts of themselves and come to understand and accept themselves and others. 2. The most memorable thing about Javier was his ability to make people laugh. He once said that laughter was what made him feel at home and it was ultimately this quality that made Javier a home to many people in his life. 3. He was extremely ambitious but always made time when his friends needed him. He was a big brother who always was there for his younger brother. Her arms gave hugs. She filled my chest with laughter and held me close at my darkest times. She brought people together and made us all better people. Leslie 不会希望这是悲伤的一天。Abhas 是一个善良温暖的充满爱的灵魂,他允许他人更彻底地爱他们自己。他说的话,他的艺术和他的善良帮助人们照亮了自己黑暗的一面,并开始理解和接受自己和他人。 Javier 最令人难忘的地方是他能逗人笑。他曾经说过,笑声让他感觉在家一样,最终也正是这种特质让 Javier 在生活中给了许多人家的感觉。 他非常有抱负,但在朋友们需要他的时候总能挤出时间。他像个大哥哥总是出现在他弟弟身边。她拥抱了我。她让我的胸口充满欢笑,在我最黑暗的时候紧紧抱着我。她把人们聚在一起,使我们都成为更好的人。