Justin Trudeau📢加拿大总理演讲

Justin Trudeau📢加拿大总理演讲

2020-04-15    01'04''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. We’re facing really tough times right now, there’s no doubt. But as a country, we’ve been through tough times before. This is our duty. This is what will save lives, and help our country come roaring back. I know that we will rise to the challenge. Because as Canadians, we always do. 2. There’s no question that the coming weeks and months will be hard. This is a fight like most of us have never faced. It will test us all, in our own way. This disease has already taken too many people from us. If you’ve lost a loved one, know that we’re mourning with you through this incredibly difficult experience. 3. If you’re having trouble making ends meet, know that we’re working every day to help you bridge to better times. If you’re feeling isolated or depressed, know that there are supports for you. Know that you’re not alone. And like so many Canadians before us, we will stand together, shoulder to shoulder, metaphorically, united and strong. 毫无疑问,我们现在正面临着非常艰难的时刻。但作为一个国家,我们以前也是经历过困难时期的。这是我们的职责。这将拯救生命,帮助我们的国家重振雄风。我知道我们会迎接挑战的。因为作为加拿大人,我们一向如此。 未来的几周和几个月将是艰难的,这是毋庸置疑的。这是一场我们大多数人从未面对过的战斗。它将以我们各自的方式考验我们所有人。这种病已经夺走了太多人的生命。如果你失去了挚爱的人,请记住,我们正在为你这段难以置信的艰难的经历而哀悼。 如果你现在入不敷出,要知道我们每天都在努力,帮助你迎接更美好的日子。如果你感到孤独或沮丧,记住有人支持你。记住你并不孤单。像我们先前的许多加拿大人一样,我们将肩并肩地站在一起,只是打个比方啊,变得团结和强大。