

2020-04-21    00'44''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. In this episode of EMF, Michael will take you to the wonderland of history - Xi’an. Xi’an, known for its history, is about 14 hours’ drive away from Beijing. If you’re looking for a summer camp, this is a place where you might want to consider going. 在这一期《英语麦克风》中,小麦老师将带你去历史的仙境——西安。以历史闻名的西安,距北京约14小时车程。如果你想找一个夏令营,这是一个你可以考虑去的地方。 2. Lifelike, oh my gosh, seems so real. I feel like I met like an ancient warrior here. You know, if you come here, you would never think that you can witness a history hidden there, but because we have Terracotta Warriors, this is a real secret here. 栩栩如生啊,天哪,看起来真的很逼真。我感觉在这里仿佛见到了古代的战士。如果你来到这里,你永远不会想到你能见证隐藏在那里的历史,但因为我们有兵马俑,这是一个在这里的真正的秘诀。  3. In Xi’an you can enjoy the nicest local snacks and they’re totally awesome. Now it’s the perfect season to drink beer and barbecue. They’re everywhere on the Huimin street with just as many as the foodies. If you make a trip here you don’t want to miss them. 在西安,你可以品尝到最好的当地小吃,它们非常棒。现在是喝啤酒和吃烧烤的最佳季节。小吃店散落在回民街,跟小吃一样多的是那些吃货们。如果你来这里旅行,你不会想要错过它们。