1. 世界谜团,“海洋之星”已经有两周没有看到了。与此同时,关于它下落的猜测也甚嚣尘上。
The international mystery, Heart of the Ocean has not been seen in two weeks. At the same time, speculation grows over its whereabouts.
2. 我们目前掌握的消息是,根据官网显示,“海洋之星”最后一次公开亮相是在4月11日的一次博物馆展览中。而仅仅在四天之后,也就是4月15日,它并没有出现在非常重要的庆祝活动中。这可是“海洋之星”的起源,泰坦尼克号,百年纪念日啊。
Here’s what we know. It was last seen in public April 11th when it was exhibited in a museum according to official website. However just four days later, April 15th, and it’s absent from key celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of its origin - Titantic.
3. 无价之宝,无与伦比的设计,很多犯罪分子现在觉得这是一个千载难逢的机会。“海洋之星”的安保水平相当地糟糕,我们没有办法去预测或者组织这些偷窃行为。我们只能等待超人出手帮助,夺回珠宝。
Priceless, an extraordinary design, many criminals now feel this time could be the best chance. Security level for Heart of the Ocean is so bad that we have no way to predict or to prevent these thefts. We can only wait until the Superman helps us to get it back.