The most challenging job in the world👩🏻

The most challenging job in the world👩🏻

2020-05-09    00'43''

主播: Vivian💗

312 4

The title that we have going right now is Director of Operations, but it’s really kind of so much more than that. Responsibilities and requirements are really quite extensive. First category for the requirements would be mobility. This job requires that you must be able to work standing up most or really all of the time, constantly on your feet, constantly bending over, constantly exerting yourself, a high level of stamina. Sometimes they have to stay up with an associate throughout the night. If you had a life, we’d ask you to sort of give that life up. No vacations. In fact, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, on holidays the workload is gonna go up and we demand that with a happy disposition. (What if I told you there’s someone that actually currently holds this position right now. Billions of people actually. Who? Moms…) 我们目前有的职位是运营总监,不过实际上职责范围要大很多。工作责任和要求相当的宽广,其中第一项要求就是身体的活动性。这份工作要求你必须站着,在大部分甚至全部时间里,一直不断地用脚站着,一直不断地弯腰,一直不断地竭尽全力,对体力和耐力是很高水平的要求。 有些时候这份工作需要你和客户整晚待在一起,如果你有自己的生活,我们建议你还是抛开原先的生活吧。这份工作没有假期,实际上在感恩节、圣诞节、新年,这些节假日的时候,工作量还会增加。另外,我们还要求工作的时候保持快乐的心情。