1. Ritz Carlton has one of my favorite mantras. They actually call it their credo. It’s short. It’s easy to remember. And it sums up exactly how they see their guests and their employees. It’s only 9 words long, “We are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.”
2. When you have the opportunity to go over-the-top, seize it. There was a family staying at the Ritz Carlton in Toronto and the kids decided to play floor hockey in the hallway. Another guest in the room called the front desk to complain about all the noise that was happening in the hall. And that’s when the Ritz team members began to create their magic.
3. Treat employees like they are the customer – if not even better. The Ritz-Carlton is recognized worldwide for being a quality organization. They understand the importance of outstanding customer service. Just as important, if not even more so, is that they understand the value of their employees.