1. There has to be justice. There has to be protests. We have to be heard. We have to move forward strategically. We have to move forward smart. We have to move forward tedious. And we have to be together, man, how we’re doing it.
2. I don't regret anything. Again we have to be heard and this is a very serious issue. And I won't shut up. I won't stop. I will continue to use my voice to speak out for the people who are unheard and that's what I did.
3. Voice is so important and when I say voice I’m not talking about speaking per se. I’m talking about actions. I’m talking about going out and protesting and doing your duty as a member of this democracy.
1. 必须要有正义。必须要有抗议。我们(的声音)必须要被听到。我们要有战略地前进,要聪明,尽管它是令人生厌的。我们要做的,是团结在一起,伙计们。