1. So this drink has four amazing simple parts to it, sugar, fresh mint, club soda and rum. The key to making it is how you make it.
2. So, first what we're gonna do is we’re gonna take a nice highball glass. We’re gonna take our mint here. Now the key to the mint is pulling it off very gently with two fingertips just from the base. You don't want too much stem. You want a lot of leaf.
3. Next we're gonna use a little bit of sugar. We use two teaspoons. Add to that, we’re gonna use half a lime. The reason is this, when we muddle the sugar with the fresh mint, the sugar and the lime juice are gonna be absorbing that mint flavor to it. When we add the rum, all that flavors are gonna come into the drink naturally.
4. Now (what) we’re gonna do is we're gonna top it with our club soda. Beautifully topped up. Now of course, for proper decoration we're gonna use a beautiful little sprig of mint. The perfect mojito.
现在我们要做的是在上面加上苏打水。完美加满苏打水。现在,当然了,我们要使用一小束好看的薄荷叶进行适当的点缀。一杯完美的 Mojito 鸡尾酒。