What is spiciness?🌶️

What is spiciness?🌶️

2020-07-29    00'40''

主播: Vivian💗

317 3

1. Why does your mouth feel like it's on fire when you eat a spicy pepper? Why does wasabi make your eyes water? First, what is spiciness? Even though we often say that something tastes spicy, it's not actually a taste, like sweet or salty or sour. 2. Instead, what's really happening is that certain compounds in spicy foods activate the type of sensory neurons. You have these all over your body, including your mouth and nose, and they're the same receptors that are activated by extreme heat. 3. This is why chili peppers burn your mouth, and wasabi burns your nose. So, why would anyone want to eat something that causes such high levels of pain? One theory says that humans started adding spices to food to kill off bacteria.   当你吃辣椒的时候,为什么你的嘴感觉像着了火一样?为什么芥末会让你的眼睛流泪呢?首先,到底什么是辣?尽管我们常说有些东西尝起来很辣,但实际上辣并不是一种味道,比如甜味、咸味或酸味。 相反,真相是辛辣食物中的某些化合物激活了感觉神经元。这些神经元你全身都有,包括你的嘴和鼻子,它们都是感受器,会被高温调动。 这就是为什么辣椒会烫你的嘴,芥末会烧你的鼻子。那么,为什么还会有人想吃能够引起如此剧烈疼痛的东西呢?有一种理论认为,人类最早开始在食物中添加辣椒是为了杀死细菌。