

2020-08-08    00'48''

主播: Vivian💗

299 0

1. “Sorry, my phone died.” “It's nothing. I'm fine.” “These allegations are completely unfounded.” “The company was not aware of any wrongdoing.” “I love you.” 2. We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day, and we spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect them. But, what if the problem is not with the techniques, but the underlying assumption that lying spurs physiological changes? 3. On a psychological level, we lie partly to paint a better picture of ourselves, connecting our fantasies to the person we wish we were rather than the person we are. But while our brain is busy dreaming, it's letting plenty of signals slip by. 4. Remember that many of the lies we encounter on a daily basis are far less serious than these examples, and may even be harmless, but it's still worthwhile to be aware of telltale clues. “对不起,我的手机坏了。”“没事,我很好。”“这些指控完全无凭无据。”“公司对任何犯罪行为都毫不知情。”“我爱你。” 我们每天都会听到大概10到200句谎言,整个历史上,我们也花费了大量的时间想出了各种辨别谎言的方法。但,万一问题的症结不在于技术,而在于“撒谎会激发生理上的变化”这一深层的假设上? 从心理学层面来说,我们撒谎的部分原因是为了营造一个更好的自己,让我们成为自己幻想中的样子,而非本来的模样。但是我们的大脑在忙着做梦时,也会让很多信号溜出来。 记住,我们日常中碰到的许多谎言远没有这些例子严重,甚至是无害的,但是仍值得我们留意揭穿谎言的线索。