1. 某天我们都会死去,没有人生来拥有不死的例外。我们第一次因为凋零的花朵而哭泣时,就赋予了死亡定义。从此,恐惧慢慢生根,生命才真正开始。
We all die someday. No one is born with an exception to their death. It’s the withered flowers we first cried over that gave death its meaning, where fear reveals itself and the life begins in earnest.
2. 我们找到自己的慰藉,用一瓶伏特加度过一夜,然后继续人生,对未来路上的遭遇,漠不关心。那些我们收集的乐,那些我们遭受的苦,那些我们珍藏的爱,那些起起和伏伏。
We find our own consolation, spend a night with a bottle of Vodka and just go, indifferent to what we’ll encounter along the way. The joy we collect, the pain we suffer, the love we treasure, the ups and the downs.
3. 失去深爱的人,我们都会哀悼,但却不是每个人都能从一开始想象到这番场景。死亡给我们上了一课。今天,我们庆祝拥有的一切,还有我们想要拥有的。
Everyone mourns when they lose a loved one, but not everyone can imagine the scene from the start. Death gives a lesson. Today we celebrate all that we’ve owned and all that we intend to hold.