1. Everyone can imagine a stand-up comedian telling jokes on stage. There are a ton of misunderstandings and lack of knowledge around what the profession actually entails. As an example, a little-known upside to stand-up comedy is that the earnings you make are entirely tax-free. This is because there aren't any.
2. So if you want to do stand-up comedy, the first thing you have to do is write your material, which is the bits you'll be doing and the jokes you have in each bit. Now your material really is your bread and butter and this is why 80% of your time as a comic is spent alone at home in front of a blank Word document trying to figure out what to say so people will like you.
3. Next you have to work on your delivery or how you’re gonna say the jokes. This is one of the most important parts of comedy and I like to think of it like dominoes. At its core having good delivery is all about doing your set with complete confidence that everyone’s gonna laugh even if all your friends and family have told you they won’t.