The 1st presidential debate🆚

The 1st presidential debate🆚

2020-09-30    00'37''

主播: Vivian💗

297 3

1. It’s the first one, of course, President Trump Joe Biden face to face just 24 hours away. It will take place on that stage right there Cleveland Ohio. No handshake because of Covid, no opening statements.   2. Biden is prepared for the gloves to come off right out of the gate. He's heading into tomorrow with a 10-point lead in national polls of the President and he'll be in his element with 26 vice Presidential and Presidential primary debates under his belt.   3. But this time he'll be head-to-head with a President who acknowledges he began prepping weeks ago. And in these final hours before the debate, Biden says going up against Donald Trump is a whole other ball game. What do you have to do to win the debate? - Just tell the truth.   当然,24小时后,就在俄亥俄州克利夫兰的舞台上,这是总统***第一次与乔·拜登正面对抗。因为新冠病毒,他们不会握手,也没有开场白。 拜登已经做好了准备,摩拳擦掌迎接挑战。根据国家民意调查,他将以10个百分点的领先优势进入明天的总统大选,在总共26场副总统和总统初选辩论中经验丰富,拜登处于有利地位。 但这次他将与***正面交锋,这位总统承认他几周前就开始准备了。在辩论前的最后几个小时,拜登说,与唐纳德·***对决需要不同的打法。你要做什么才能赢得辩论?-说实话就行。