Skincare Routine👸

Skincare Routine👸

2020-10-12    01'20''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. I wasn't blessed with good skin, to be honest. My skin went through a lot. From 2012 to 2016, for about four to five years, I was covered in acne. And I thought that my skin was naturally really really oily, because I would produce this really greasy, thick, and heavy film of oil that would just immediately clog the pores. 2. So from that realization, I tried making lifestyle changes, and tried making some adjustments in my skincare routine. I simplified a lot. My acne was clearing out, but I was also left with a lot of acne scarring and hyperpigmentation and all that. 3. And I think balance is the key in maintaining a really healthy skin barrier, and just... skin's health in general. Keep that in mind, and without further ado. Let's get started with my morning skincare routine. 4. So, I just finished water rinsing my skin. I still do not use any facialcleansers or do any kind of cleansing in the morning. You have nothing to lose, and it is the cheapest and the most perfect way to keep your moisture barrier intact. You'll feel like your skin hasmuch balance. 5. And also I don't really have set dates on using these products. I just try to pay attention to what my skin is saying each day and each night. So hope you guys found this routine video helpful. I don't know if it was, but I love you guys all. Have a wonderful, wonderful evening. And, happy skincare! Bye~ 老实说,我的皮肤并不好。我的皮肤经历了很多。从2012到2016,大约4到5年,脸上长满了粉刺。我认为我的皮肤天生就是油性的,因为我的皮肤会产生一层又油又厚的油膜,会立刻堵塞毛孔。 从那以后,我试着改变生活方式,调整我的护肤习惯。我简化了很多。我的痤疮一点点消失,但我也留下了很多疤痕和色素沉淀等等。 我认为平衡是保持皮肤屏障健康的关键。总之就是要皮肤健康。记住这一点,闲话少说,让我们开始我的早晨护肤流程。 所以,我刚刚用清水冲洗完我的皮肤。我在早上仍然不使用任何洗面奶或做任何类型的清洁。你不会有什么损失,这是最便宜和最完美的方式,以保持你的锁水屏障不受伤害。你会觉得你的皮肤很平衡。 而且我也没有固定使用这些产品的日期。我只是试着关注我的皮肤每个白天和晚上在说什么。希望这段视频对你们有帮助,我不知道有没有帮助,但我爱你们。祝大家晚安。护肤过程开心!拜~