According to legend, after eating a hairy crab, put it back together, and it’s still a crab... During autumn, the reason to love Shanghai is to eat a hairy crab. Since I was young, my family has taught me to eat a hairy crab completely, and put it back together again. We don’t need any complicated tools. A pair of chopsticks, a pair of scissors, and that’s enough.
First, we eat the crab leg. Cut both ends of the bigger leg, insert its smaller leg to push the meat out. Mm, tastes so sweet, so succulent, sooo yummy. After eating the crab leg, arrange it accordingly, one by one. Put the leg joints aside. Now, let’s eat the pincer. Pull out the claw, dig out the meat, and eat them. After eating, fix the claw back, and place it back to the original position. Same goes for the other pincer.
Now let’s eat the crab’s body. We open the crab shell. Add some ginger vinegar sauce. You can eat almost everything inside the crab shell, except the hard crab stomach. Now let’s eat the crab’s body. Crab’s heart, lungs, and gills are not edible. Leave them in the crab shell. The meat and eggs inside the body can be eaten.
Cut the leftovers, and put them in the crab shell. Lastly, eat the crab joints. Remember our neighbour, Uncle Wang, had a hairy crab joint, and still drank 300ml of rice wine. After eating the crab, keep all leftovers in the shell. Press it tight, flip it over, put it back, and it’s still a perfect hairy crab. Just like that, the legendary hairy crab has been eaten completely. Do you find that it’s very difficult?