

2020-11-06    00'39''

主播: Vivian💗

436 2

1. I want to talk about another interesting herb that's commonly known to a lot of people and oftentimes misused. And that's Ren Shen or what we more commonly know as ginseng. 2. There is actually two main types of ginseng. There's Chineseginseng, which this is, and also American ginseng. Those are the two main types and they're slightly different energetically. 3. The Chinese ginseng also the Korean ginseng, are known to be very hot. And the American ginseng, which is a little bit more cooling, is better for things like diabetes and menopause. 4. For some people, it’s very useful. We think of it as a longevity herb. We also think of it for impotence. And a lot of times for people as they're starting to age, it really helps to minimize some of those effects. 我想要讲一讲另外一种广为人知并且常常被滥用的草药。它就是人参或者我们更普遍称其为“ginseng”。 事实上,人参有两大类。一种是中国人参,我面前的这棵就是,另一种就是美国人参。这是人参的两大类,它们在能量方面有些微不同。 据称,中国人参还有高丽参性热。而美国人参,性凉,对于糖尿病和更年期这类疾病有更好的疗效。 对于一些人来说,人参益处很大。我们认为它是一种长寿草药,并且能够治疗体虚。很多时候,对于那些开始衰老的人,人参真的可以最小化其中一些影响。