

2020-12-13    01'10''

主播: Vivian💗

213 0

A: Did you have a happy childhood? B: Yes, I did. I enjoyed playing hide and seek with my peers. A: Did you experience your childhood in a city or countryside? B: I spent my childhood in a rural area where I could see vast rice fields. A: Did you usually skip class when you were a child? B: Yes, I did, and many of my friends did, too. A: Who were you with when you were a child? B: I was with my beloved family. A: What did you want to be when you were a child? B: I dreamed of being a fashion designer. A: Who did you love the most when you were a child? B: I loved my mom the most since she was always there and took care of me. A: Who was your childhood hero? B: Robin Hood, he took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. A: What reminds you of your childhood? B: Green rice fields which I happen to see everywhere remind me of my beautiful childhood. A: Did you change a lot when you grew up? B: Yes, of course. I'm more mature now both physically and mentally. A: Why is childhood important? B: Because it shapes people into who they will become.   A:你的童年快乐吗? B:是的,我的童年很快乐。我喜欢和同龄人玩捉迷藏。 A:你的童年是在城市还是在农村度过的? B:我的童年是在农村度过的,在那里我可以看到广阔的稻田。 A:你小时候通常会逃课吗? B:是的,我会,我的很多朋友也会。 A:你小时候和谁在一起? B:我和我心爱的家人在一起。 A:你小时候梦想成为什么样的人? B:我的梦想是当一名时装设计师。 A:你小时候最爱谁? B:我最爱妈妈,因为她总是在我身边照顾我。 A:你小时候的英雄是谁? B:罗宾汉,他会劫富济贫。 A:什么会让你想起你的童年? B:随处可见的绿色稻田,会让我想起美丽的童年。 A:你长大后变化大吗? B:是的,当然。现在的我无论在身体上还是在心理上都更加成熟了。 A:为什么童年很重要? B:因为它把人塑造成了他们将要成为的人。