1. Whip-smart kids apply every year to Georgia Tech but no one like Caleb Anderson. He’s 12. “I’m not really smart. I just grasp information quickly. So if I learn quicker, then I can get ahead faster.” He’s a perfect candidate to come into our program and be very successful. I would expect that he would be admitted for sure.
2. I don’t think anything that Caleb has done has been normal for us. By age one, he was reading. At two, he knew sign language and how to do fractions. “I have this distinct memory of going to the first-grade class and learning there. Everyone was way taller than me, cuz, you know, I was two. I could barely walk.”
3. “The kids there, they kinda looked down on me, or they treated me like I was an anomaly. And I kind of am.” He’s taken college courses for a year. We want him to be in an environment where he’s accepted and not tolerated.
4. “This is my life. This is how I am. And I’ve been living this way my whole life.” He accepts that he is different, definitely smart.
每年都会有绝顶聪明的孩子申请乔治亚理工学院,但没有人像 Caleb Anderson 那样。他才12岁。“我并不是很聪明。我只是可以快速理解信息。所以如果我学得更快,那么我就能更快地进步。"他是参加我们项目并迈向成功的理想人选。我认为他肯定会被录取。
我觉得 Caleb 所做的任何事情对我们来说都不寻常。一岁时,他就会阅读了。两岁时,他知道手语和分数。“我记得很清楚,去上一年级,在那里学习。班级上每个人都比我高得多,因为,你知道,我当时只有两岁。我几乎不会走路。"