

2021-02-23    01'06''

主播: Vivian💗

259 3

很多人从实用的角度去思考语言和英语口语,你懂得,就是如何利用语言。其实语言的益处远不止这些。你如何社交,你有多少乐趣,你有多全面发展和心胸开阔,语言会影响所有这些。问题是,学习英语是件困难的事。 A lot of people think about language and speaking English in terms of their practical usage, youknow, how can I utilize it. There’s really so many benefits beyond that. How you socialize, how much fun you have, how well rounded and open-minded you are. Language affects all of this. The problem is that learning English is hard work.    2. 模拟第二句: 你知道,我们成长在一个非常传统且封闭的社会,只能学习课本上的东西。你知道的,记忆单词,从来没有真正的机会去听和说。我觉得我们已经到了一个阶段,应该做出决定,真实生活中的语言才是真正重要的,我们要关注这方面。 You know, we were growing up in a very traditional, isolated society, learning whatever was written in the textbook. You know, memorizing words and never really having opportunities to listen or speak. I think we reacheda point where we decided that, you know, language in real life is too important and we wanted to focus on that.    3. 模拟第三句: 小麦老师开始将所有最好的素材整合在一起,并且寻找我们都需要更多的方面,然后就是找到这些方面在现实生活中的来源。我们想要一个课程,不仅能提供所有必要的基础知识,同时还可以满足我们的好奇心欲望,并且在学习中保持我们的不断发展。 Michael started blending together all the best materials and looking for what are the aspects that we all need more of and then what are real-life sources of these aspects. We wanted a course that not only provided all of the essential basics, but also fed our curiosity cravings and sustained our development throughout learning.