1. At its core, it's about unity, it's about trust, but the fact that it centers around Disney's first Southeast Asian princess played by Kelly Marie Tran, I thought that was such an awesome thing and of course to be Sisu is an honor.
2. I think if I have a magical power,it would be to clear a room by saying something awkward. That was trippy for sure. I remember holding it and be like, “Whoa.” And then when you shake it, it actually talks like me, like it'll say a line that I said and I was like, “That's crazy.” I never knew I'd make it to the inside of a toy, but obviously I'm gonna buy thousands of them and just force them upon all my relatives and friends and acquaintances.
3. You know, I was super into the trumpet and I actually bought one over quarantine because I thoughtmaybe you know, “Why not?” AndI was playing “Silver Bells” and someone told me to shut up from the street. So there goes that. It’s like, from the street. “Can you justwalk by?”