1. Asian lives matter. Black lives matter. It took an elderly 84-year-old man, Thai, a grandfather, to get murdered for people to be aware. It took six Asian women massacred and murdered for people to care. What else is it going to take? When are we going to see change? When are we going to wake up? And it’s so painful that so much of the attacks and violence had come from people of color. You know, it’s so painful, because we’re in this fight together.
2. Do you know what was the most heartbreaking thing that waspart of all of the things that were shown in media? It was those 9-1-1 calls when those women tried to call for help and nobody on the other end could understand what they were saying. It broke my heart because it sounded like my own mom. It sounded like people Iknew, my constituents, when they're asking my office for help. And our agencies, our government, the people who workfor us, they should also speak our language. And until we have language access, until we have resources, that I don't want to seemore police.