2021-05-24    01'58''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. For the past couple of years we at NIO wanted to create the most technologically advanced vehiclesthat add real value to the lives of our users, but on top of this we are also on a pursuit for beauty and perfection. This is the essence of our idea of being driven by design. 2. It would have to have the latest autonomous driving sensors and the next generation in-car technology but also are most visually striking. The team and I wanted to reimagine what a premium car should be both insideand out to create a modern and dynamic vehicle fitting for the age of autonomous driving. In essence, we wanted the perfect sedan. 3. Everything we designed at NIO must fulfill four key criteria. It mustbe pure, human, progressive and sophisticated. This is our design DNA and the foundation of any NIO product. ET7 is the first car we have designed that embodies all those qualities fully. We've scrutinized every detail in the ET7, especially the ones a passenger would interact with most. 4. The ET7 is the purest articulation of our design DNA andthe result of a long road towards the pursuit of perfection. This isn'tjust a huge stride forward for autonomous vehicles. It’s our answer for the car that is ready fortomorrow. In my eyes, it's the perfect sedan. 在过去的几年里,我们 NIO 希望创造出技术最先进的车辆,为用户的生活带来真正的价值,但在此基础上,我们也在追求产品的美学和细节的完美。这就是我们以设计为动力的理念的本质。 它必须拥有最新的自动驾驶传感器和下一代车载技术,但也是最具有视觉冲击力的。我和我的团队想重新想象一辆高级轿车的内部和外部,以创造适合自动驾驶时代的既现代又运动的车辆。从本质上讲,我们想要一辆完美的轿车。 我们在 NIO 设计的一切必须满足四个关键标准。它必须是纯粹的、人性化的、进步的和高级的。这是我们的设计 DNA,也是任何 NIO 产品的基础。ET7 是我们设计的第一款充分体现所有这些品质的汽车。我们仔细审核了 ET7 的每一个细节,特别是乘客会与之互动最多的细节。 ET7 是我们设计 DNA 的最纯粹的阐述,也是追求完美的漫长道路的结果。这不仅仅是自动驾驶汽车的一个巨大进步。面向未来的汽车是什么样的?ET7 就是我们交出的答案。在我眼中,它是完美的轿车。