

2021-06-21    01'25''

主播: Vivian💗

244 3

1. When a person loses track of the dignity of the human soul and begins to judge others not on the basis of their being persons, but on the basis of race, creed, economic status - that is prejudice. 2. Being brutally frank, I am prejudiced against Japanese. Not to the extent that I hate them, no, not that way, but I got this as a result of World War II. Because, well, I guess I was yet too young tounderstand what happened duringthose times, but I think that what my relatives, and friends, and the people who were witness to that unfaithful occasion, well, they just more than justified the fact. And I think it's justified for me to feel thesame way, because I know that mypeople suffered very much under that rule. 3. Well, five years ago that prejudice of mine was slightly fading away, but when Japan stubbornly refused to pay reparations to us, the prejudice began to brew again. But now I found out from close contact with Yoriko and other Japanese, that Japan isn't ready to pay reparations yet. Because as Yorikosaid, most of them even have to suffer the cold in the classrooms, because they can't afford to heat the schools. 当一个人遗忘了人类灵魂的尊严,开始不以人的身份来判断他人,而是以种族、信条、经济状况为依据,这就是偏见。 坦率地说,我对日本人有偏见。没到我恨他们的程度,不,不是那样的,但我之所以这样是因为二战。因为,我想我还太年轻,无法理解那些时候发生的事情,但我认为,我的亲戚、朋友,以及那些见证了那个黑暗时代的人,他们远远证明了我对日本人的偏见是有道理的。我想我也有理由有同样的感觉,因为我知道我的人民在那个统治下遭受了很大的痛苦。 五年前我的这种偏见略有消退,但当日本顽固地拒绝向我们支付赔款时,这种偏见又开始酝酿起来。但现在我从与 Yoriko 和其他日本人的亲密接触中发现,日本还没有准备好支付赔偿金。因为正如 Yoriko 所说,他们中的大多数人甚至不得不在教室里忍受寒冷,因为他们没有能力为学校供暖。