1. In ancient times, the Romans built public underground sewer systems, which not only carried waste, but also drinking water, so it paid to be upstream. The Romans used large, divider-free public restrooms - some with up to 50 toilets. Many people read prayers and protection spells to keep safe from demons, rats biting their bums, and open flames that could flare up with methane pockets.
2. Finally, in 1596, a man named John Harrington, who was actually an English poet, invented a flushing toilet for Queen Elizabeth the first. But it was so loud (that) it scared her from using it. It did, however, become popular to call this new invention after its creator, John.
3. By the 1850s, over 400,000 tons of sewage were flushed into the River Thames each day. Eventually, in the 1880s, a man came along who invented the ballcock and many other patents, which helped silence the scary flushing toilets, leading to its widespread adoption. His name? Thomas Crapper.