1. Humans should urinate at least four to six times a day, but occasionally, the pressures of modern life force us to clench and hold it in. Two kidneys, two ureters, two urethral sphincters, and a urethra.
2. Constantly trickling down from the kidneys is the yellowish liquid known as urine. The kidneys makeurine from a mix of water and the body's waste products, funneling the unwanted fluid into two muscular tubes called ureters.
3. These carry it downward into the hollow organ known as the bladder. This organ's muscular wall is made of tissue called detrusor muscle, which relaxes as the bladder fills allowing it to inflate like a balloon.
4. As the bladder gets full, the detrusor contracts. The internal urethral sphincter automatically and involuntarily opens, and the urine is released. When you want to delay urinating, you keep the sphincter closed. When you want to release it, you can voluntarily open the flood gates.