1. So, the first drink we're gonna make is a mocha and basically the components are: espresso, chocolate sauce, steamed milk, and it's gonna be presented with, like, some latte art, so it's all nice and pretty.
2. So, next up we're gonna do a latte. Basically it's what you just saw with the mocha but no chocolate. So it really highlights the espresso, the sweetness of the steamed milk, and kind of the smoothness of, like, the combination of the two.
3. A flat white is similar to the latte that you just saw, so it's going to be a double espresso and steamed milk in a light layer of foam. The difference really just being the ratio of coffee to milk. So it's gonna taste stronger but you know you're not getting like more coffee than with the latte.
4. So, the last drink we're gonna make is a cappuccino. So this one is pretty similar to the flat white. The difference is the texture of the foam, so it's kind of lower, like a more creamy texture. I also like to tell customers that you might perceive it to be stronger because the milk isn’t mixing with the espresso as much.