Follow your intuition 相信直觉

Follow your intuition 相信直觉

2017-05-23    04'33''

主播: 乔帮主®

188 1

Every day there is a necessity of choice (a fork in the road). “Shall I do this, or shall I do that? Shall I go, or shall I stay?” Many people do not know what to do. They rush about letting other people make decisions for them, then regret having taken their advice. 我们每天都要面临不同的选择(面对人生的十字路口)。“是该这样,还是该那样?我是该走还是该留?”许多人都很茫然不知所措,所以他们急着让别人为自己拿主意,接着再为听了他人的意见而后悔。 There are others who carefully reason things out. They weigh and measure the situation like dealing in groceries, and are surprised when they fail to obtain their goal. 一些人总是小心翼翼地为未来计划着。他们就像经营杂货店那样经营着自己的未来。可是,当他们无法达到自己的目标时惊叹不已。 There are still other people who follow the magic path of intuition and find themselves in their Promised Land in the twinkling of an eye. 还有一些人会跟着直觉走,发现自己转眼之间就到了梦想中的天堂。 Intuition is a spiritual faculty high above the reasoning mind, but on the path is all that you desire or require. So choose ye this day to follow the magic path of intuition. 还有一些人会跟着直觉走,发现自己转眼之间就到了梦想中的天堂。直觉,是一种高于理性思想的本能。然而,只有当你充满强烈欲望或迫切需求时,这种本能才会显现出来。所以,相信你的直觉,跟着感觉走吧! In most people it is a faculty which has remained dormant. So we say,“Awake though that sleeps. Wake up to your leads and hunches!” 但是,大多数人身上的这种本能都还未被唤醒。所以,我们要说:“唤醒沉睡的直觉吧,唤醒心中的巨人吧!” Now it is necessary for you to make a decision, you face a fork in the road. Ask for a definite unmistakable lead, and you will receive it. 现在,你必须做出选择,你面对着人生的十字路口。向你的直觉索要一个确定答案吧!然后,勇敢地接受它! So we find we have success through being strong and very courageous in following spiritual law. 于是我们发现,成功路上有了直觉相伴,我们变得更加强大,更加勇敢了。 A well-known man, who has become a great power in the financial world, said to a friend, “I always follow intuition and I am luck incarnate.” 一位金融界的知名成功人士对他的朋友说:“我一直跟着感觉走,我是一个幸运儿。” Inspirations are the most important thing in life. People come to truth meetings for inspiration. I find the right word will start divine activity operating in their affairs. 灵感是人的一生中最重要的东西。人们往往会产生灵感。有了灵感,人们在工作时就能如鱼得水,得心应手了。 In every act prompted by fear lies the germ of its own defeat. 无论何时,都不要惧怕,因为它会在你心底生根发芽。