影视原声 · 成长边缘

影视原声 · 成长边缘

2018-07-17    03'02''

主播: 日不落电台

209 2

P1 - Everyone just wants to feel important in life. Thing is, no matter how important they are, there's always gonna be someone more important. People get so uptight about that. Oh, no, they're better than me. It's like, god, they don't realize important doesn't matter. It's confidence. When confidence breaks into the room-- wins every single time. Doesn't matter if it's real. Doesn’t matter if they’re pulling it straight out of their ass. People are dumb. They don't know the difference. You know what? I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna tell you the real reason I'm having lunch with you today. You see, I don't, uh—I don't really have any friends at the moment. And to be completely honest with you, I'm not interested. At all. My entire generation is a bunch of mouth-breathers. They literally have a seizure if you take their phone away for a second. They can't communicate without emojis. They actually think that the world wants to know that they are "Eating a taco!" Exclamation point. Smiley face, smiley face, smile-- like we give a fuck. I am an old soul. I like old music and old movies and even old people. Bottom line is I have nothing in common with the people out there, and they have nothing in common with me. - 每个人都想要被重视。事实是,被重视了又怎样,总有人比他们更重要。人们就会因此而焦虑。“噢,不,他们比我优秀。”天,他们竟然意识不到,别人是否看重你根本不重要。重要的是自信,一旦有了自信,人的气场就会强大起来。到底是真的自信还是胡说八道并不重要。反正人们很蠢,他们看不出区别。你猜怎么着?我要告诉你今天和你吃午饭的真正原因。你知道的,我... 我现在没有朋友。而且说实话,我没有兴趣交朋友,根本没兴趣。我们这一代人都是些蠢货。你把他们的手机拿走一会儿,他们就会抓狂。他们不发表情就不能交流。真以为别人想知道他们“正在吃墨西哥卷。感叹号。笑脸。笑脸。笑脸...”好像谁他妈在乎一样。我的灵魂已经老了。我喜欢老歌,老电影,甚至喜欢老成的人。结果我和他们没有任何共同点,他们和我也没有。 - 娜丁 - 麦克斯? - Nadine. – Max? -Maybe... Nobody likes you. - 也许是...没人喜欢你 P2 Look, I just-- I just wanted to say, um, that... I'm sorry for being a bitch tonight. And for the past couple of weeks. And the past 17 years before that. I know this isn't any easier for you. I know that. I think some deranged part of me likes thinking I'm the only one with real problems. Like that makes me special. You know, ever since we were little, I would get this feeling like... Like I'm floating outside of my body, looking down at myself... And I hate what I see-- how I'm acting, the way I sound. And I don't know how to change it. And I'm so scared...That the feeling is never gonna go away.I'm sorry.Really.Good night. 我... 我只是想跟你说,抱歉我今晚很过分。过去几个星期也很过分,还有过去的十七年也是。我知道你也不容易,我知道的。但我有点精神错乱地以为,只有我自己是真的不好过。好像只有这样我才是独特的。从小开始,我一直有种感觉,好像灵魂出窍,然后俯视我自己。我讨厌我自己。讨厌自己的一言一行。我不知道要怎么改变,又好害怕这种感觉会一直阴魂不散地缠着我。抱歉。真的。晚安。