Now Again (1) - 优斯迪吧 Vol.137

Now Again (1) - 优斯迪吧 Vol.137

2018-03-02    58'23''

主播: 优斯迪吧

20350 646

欢迎各位收听2018年开箱节目,先祝各位元宵节快乐!再祝迪吧今年花枝招展!本期老李为大家送上“迪吧音乐小饭桌”节目,推荐一个美国的唱片厂牌[Now-Again Records]及其旗下音乐作品。感谢收听!最后,白总说封面中放射出的173条线代表他们发行过的173张唱片! 本期歌单: 1.The Heliocentrics-Distant Star 2.DJ Shadow;The Heliocentrics-Skullfuckery 3.The Whitefield Brothers-Taisho 4.The Whitefield Brothers-Pamukkale 5.Seu Jorge-Rock with You 6.Seu Jorge-Juizo Final 7.Dimlite-Blur, Blur, Blur, Blur 8.Dimlite-One Of Uh Infinity's Countless Uh Tiny Cycles 9. The Natural Yogurt Band-A Romance in Blue 10.The Natural Yogurt Band-Invisible Ink 11.Karl Hector & The Malcouns-The Spirit Of Gine 12.Karl Hector & The Malcouns-Jo Nibunga 13.Fabiano Nascimento-Oya Naña 14.Fabiano Nascimento-Já Que Tú