

2016-11-18    02'11''

主播: 我们读诗

306 7

►Success Is Counted Sweetest By Emily Dickson Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag to-day Can tell the definition, So clear, of victory As he,defeated,dying, On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph Burst agonized and clear! 成功的滋味最甜 作者:艾米莉·狄金森 翻译:尤克强 成功的滋味最甜 对未曾成功的人而言 想体会甘露的美味 需要通彻心扉的欲念 没有一位贵人达官 在当下耀武扬威之际 能够明确的定义 胜利的真正含义 只有奄奄一息的输家 耳朵已经听不见 那遥远的凯旋乐音 飞扬懊恼而清醒!