Alice读绘本 Cloud Dance

Alice读绘本 Cloud Dance

2019-01-22    04'30''

主播: 海洋🎯🍓Alice

357 4

cloud dance Clouds of many shapes and sizes drift and dance across the sky. In every time and season the colors of clouds are always changing. Brilliant sunset clouds glow and then fade. Nighttime clouds with silver edges shimmer in the moonlight. High, wispy clouds race in the autumn wind. Winter clouds,low and thick,bring sparking snow. Soft,rosy spring clouds flow in the dawn light. Veils of mist rise in warm sunlight. Delicate morning clouds grow and form. Fluffy summer clouds march in the blue sky. Gray clouds with golden fringes block the streaming sunlight. Dark-and-light storm clouds tower. Rain clouds full and heavy,burst. Water rising, forming clouds of many shapes and colors that drift and dance across the sky. Good-night clouds.