Alice读绘本 Biscuit and the Little pup

Alice读绘本 Biscuit and the Little pup

2017-07-16    10'16''

主播: 海洋🎯🍓Alice

664 12

Here,Biscuit. It's time to play. Woof,woof! You found your ball,Biscuit. Arf! You found a little pup,too. Woof,woof! Come out,little pup. What is your name? Woof,woof! Come out,little pup. Biscuit wants to play! Woof,woof! Arf! The little pup does not want to come out. Here,little pup. Biscuit has a ball. Woof,woof! Biscuit has a bone. Woof,woof! Won't you come out,little pup? Arf!Arf! The little pup does not want to come out yet. What will we do now? Woof! Wait,Biscuit. Where are you going? Woof,woof! Silly puppy! It's not time for you to hide. Arf!Arf!Arf!Arf! Woof,woof! Oh,Biscuit! Here comes the little pup! Woof,woof! Arf!Arf! Funny puppies! You both want to play. You want to play hide-and-seek! Woof,woof! Ready or not,sweet puppies, We found both of you! Arf! Arf! Woof!