

2014-11-26    23'49''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

11570 345

阿伊诺哈吴卡伊宁(Aino Havukainen)与萨米托伊沃宁(Sami Toivonen)同样作同为儿童作家、插画家和平面设计师在一起工作。他们作品中最为芬兰年轻读 者所熟知的是滑稽奥德维莱男孩塔图与巴图(Tatu and Patu),人们可以在图画书中体验作品带来的无限想象力。这些广受欢迎的插画深受孩子乃至成人的喜爱。塔图与巴图(Tatu and Patu)的版权已经出售给了二十一个国家。 请关注今天(11.26)微信:英语环球 NEWSPlus。 The China International Children's Book Fair keeps young children at heart by organizing a series of open-to-all events which mix authors presentation, workshops, screenings and performances. And last week, international children's book creators were invited to meet their readers and promote their books. Two of the guests are Aino Havukainen and Sami Toivonen. Aino and Sami are from Finland, working together as children's authors, illustrators, and graphic designers. For the young Finnish readers they are best known for creating the hilarious Oddville boys, Tatu and Patu, whose limitless imagination we can admire already in picture books. Aino and Sami both graduated as Graphic Designers from Lahti Institute of Design. Sami became known before he entered college for his comic strips. But Aino is the more creative one of the two. For years the couple worked together as children's authors, illustrators, and graphic designers, and they worked hard, trying to do things new and interesting. Aino and Sami are mother and father of two lovely daughters. The family live together with fun and games. Voices From Other Lands met and talked with the couple, whose books' rights have been sold to 21 countries. And the Chinese version of Tatu and Patu have been published by Juvenile and Children's Publishing House.