

2014-12-18    02'50''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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欲知更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus The well-heeled Marilyn Monroe reportedly once said that if you give a girl the right shoes, she could conquer the world. The allure of high-heeled shoes is no secret among women, who have used them to entice men from the streets of Ancient Rome to the New York City sidewalks of Carrie Bradshaw. Heels have also been a controversial symbol on the battleground of sexual politics. Now a scientific study in France has measured their power. Scientists conducted experiments that showed that men behave very differently towards high-heeled women. The results may please the purveyors of popular brand shoes, yet frustrate those who think stilettos encourage sexism. The study found if a woman drops a glove on the street while wearing heels, she's almost 50 percent more likely to have a man fetch it for her than if she's wearing flat shoes. Another finding: A woman wearing heels is twice as likely to persuade men to stop and answer survey questions in the street. And a woman wearing high-heels in a bar waits half the time to get picked up by a man, compared to when her heel is nearer to the ground. The study's author, Nicolas Gueguen, a behavioral science researcher, says that women's shoe heel size exerts a powerful effect on men's behavior, and that to put it simply, they make women more beautiful. Raised shoes have an unglamorous beginning, being worn first by Egyptian butchers, who donned platforms to avoid treading in bloody offal. But on women as "signifiers of femininity", raised shoes initially appeared in Ancient Greece and Rome. In Rome, where the sex trade was legal, high heels helped clients identify prostitutes in crowds. High heels only made their way into the West in the 1500s, when they were associated with imperial power and popularized as erotic in the 19th and 20th centuries. Such was the allure that a person with status or wealth became referred to as "well-heeled". This study shows that the allure is very much alive. Paris-based sociologist Jean-Claude Kaufmann, who was not involved in the study, says that although it's a relatively small cross-section, the study is very significant since the results are clear and consistent. conduct experiments 做实验,“做实验”的“做”一般都用conduct(do也可以,make则不用)。 high-heeled adj. 高跟的 后面一般接shoes,即高跟鞋。此处的high-heeled women指穿高跟鞋的女人。 purveyor n. 供应者,承办商 类似于provider stiletto n. 细高跟鞋 sexism n. 性别歧视,大男子主义 pick up vt. 搭识,与…搭讪,专指以约会、发生性关系为目的的行为,衍生出相关概念pick-up line(专门用来搭讪的桥段)。 例句: I would never have guessed that he picked her up at a bar. It’s almost impossible to picture him going to bars. (我绝对想不到他是在酒吧里搭识上她的。我几乎无法想像他去酒吧的情形。) Don’t rack your brain trying to come up with interesting pick-up lines. Just go introduce yourself and be honest. See what happens. (别老想着要设计出什么有趣的搭讪桥段。就介绍一下你自己,实话实说。看看会怎么样。) behavioral science n. 行为科学 exert … on … 对…产生…的影响 例句: My professor has exerted a huge influence on my thinking of how the world works. (我的教授极大地影响了我对这个世界的认知。) to put it simply 等于simply put,简单地说,一言以蔽之